/*** *** *** Copyright (C) 1985-2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *** *** The information and source code contained herein is the exclusive *** property of Intel Corporation and may not be disclosed, examined *** or reproduced in whole or in part except as expressly provided *** by the accompanying LICENSE AGREEMENT *** *** cvs_id[] = "$Id: pmmintrin.h,v 1.5 2005/01/03 22:55:01 hhle Exp $"; *** ****/ /* * pmmintrin.h * * Principal header file for Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 processor SSE3 intrinsics */ #pragma once #ifndef __midl #ifndef _INCLUDED_PMM #define _INCLUDED_PMM #if defined (_M_CEE_PURE) #error ERROR: EMM intrinsics not supported in the pure mode! #else /* defined (_M_CEE_PURE) */ /* * We need emmintrin.h for the basic type declarations. */ #include /*****************************************************/ /* MACROS FOR USE WITH INTRINSICS */ /*****************************************************/ /* * MACRO functions for setting and reading the DAZ bit in the MXCSR */ #define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK 0x0040 #define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON 0x0040 #define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_OFF 0x0000 #define _MM_SET_DENORMALS_ZERO_MODE(mode) \ _mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK) | (mode)) #define _MM_GET_DENORMALS_ZERO_MODE() \ (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK) /*****************************************************/ /* INTRINSICS FUNCTION PROTOTYPES START HERE */ /*****************************************************/ #if defined __cplusplus extern "C" { /* Begin "C" */ /* Intrinsics use C name-mangling. */ #endif /* defined __cplusplus */ /* * New Single precision vector instructions. */ extern __m128 _mm_addsub_ps(__m128 a, __m128 b); extern __m128 _mm_hadd_ps(__m128 a, __m128 b); extern __m128 _mm_hsub_ps(__m128 a, __m128 b); extern __m128 _mm_movehdup_ps(__m128 a); extern __m128 _mm_moveldup_ps(__m128 a); /* * New double precision vector instructions. */ extern __m128d _mm_addsub_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b); extern __m128d _mm_hadd_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b); extern __m128d _mm_hsub_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b); extern __m128d _mm_loaddup_pd(double const * dp); extern __m128d _mm_movedup_pd(__m128d a); /* * New unaligned integer vector load instruction. */ extern __m128i _mm_lddqu_si128(__m128i const *p); /* * Miscellaneous new instructions. */ /* * For _mm_monitor p goes in eax, extensions goes in ecx, hints goes in edx. */ extern void _mm_monitor(void const *p, unsigned extensions, unsigned hints); /* * For _mm_mwait, extensions goes in ecx, hints goes in eax. */ extern void _mm_mwait(unsigned extensions, unsigned hints); #if defined __cplusplus }; /* End "C" */ #endif /* defined __cplusplus */ #endif /* defined (_M_CEE_PURE) */ #endif /* _INCLUDED_PMM */ #endif /* __midl */