/*** *assert.c - Display a message and abort * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef NDEBUG #undef NDEBUG #endif /* NDEBUG */ #define _ASSERT_OK #include extern IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; /* * assertion format string for use with output to stderr */ static TCHAR _assertstring[] = _T("Assertion failed: %s, file %s, line %d\n"); /* Format of MessageBox for assertions: * * ================= Microsft Visual C++ Debug Library ================ * * Assertion Failed! * * Program: c:\test\mytest\foo.exe * File: c:\test\mytest\bar.c * Line: 69 * * Expression: * * For information on how your program can cause an assertion * failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts * * (Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled) * * =================================================================== */ /* * assertion string components for message box */ #define BOXINTRO _T("Assertion failed!") #define PROGINTRO _T("Program: ") #define FILEINTRO _T("File: ") #define LINEINTRO _T("Line: ") #define EXPRINTRO _T("Expression: ") #define INFOINTRO _T("For information on how your program can cause an assertion\n") \ _T("failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts") #define HELPINTRO _T("(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)") static TCHAR * dotdotdot = _T("..."); static TCHAR * newline = _T("\n"); static TCHAR * dblnewline = _T("\n\n"); #define DOTDOTDOTSZ 3 #define NEWLINESZ 1 #define DBLNEWLINESZ 2 #define MAXLINELEN 64 /* max length for line in message box */ #define ASSERTBUFSZ (MAXLINELEN * 9) /* 9 lines in message box */ #ifdef _UNICODE void __cdecl _assert (const char *, const char *,unsigned); #endif /* _UNICODE */ /*** *_assert() - Display a message and abort * *Purpose: * The assert macro calls this routine if the assert expression is * true. By placing the assert code in a subroutine instead of within * the body of the macro, programs that call assert multiple times will * save space. * *Entry: * *Exit: * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef _UNICODE void __cdecl _wassert ( const wchar_t *expr, const wchar_t *filename, unsigned lineno ) #else /* _UNICODE */ void __cdecl _assert ( const char *expr, const char *filename, unsigned lineno ) #endif /* _UNICODE */ { #if !defined (_CRT_APP) || defined (_DEBUG) /* * Build the assertion message, then write it out. The exact form * depends on whether it is to be written out via stderr or the * MessageBox API. */ if ( (_set_error_mode(_REPORT_ERRMODE)== _OUT_TO_STDERR) || ((_set_error_mode(_REPORT_ERRMODE) == _OUT_TO_DEFAULT) && (__app_type == _CONSOLE_APP)) ) { #ifdef _UNICODE { TCHAR assertbuf[ASSERTBUFSZ]; HANDLE hErr ; DWORD written; hErr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if(hErr!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && hErr!=NULL) { if(swprintf(assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ,_assertstring,expr,filename,lineno) >= 0) { if(GetFileType(hErr) == FILE_TYPE_CHAR) { if(WriteConsoleW(hErr, assertbuf, (unsigned long)wcslen(assertbuf), &written, NULL)) { abort(); } } } } } #endif /* _UNICODE */ /* * Build message and write it out to stderr. It will be of the * form: * Assertion failed: , file , line */ if ( !anybuf(stderr) ) /* * stderr is unused, hence unbuffered, as yet. set it to * single character buffering (to avoid a malloc() of a * stream buffer). */ (void) setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); _ftprintf(stderr, _assertstring, expr, filename, lineno); fflush(stderr); } /* Display the message using a message box */ else #endif /* !defined (_CRT_APP) || defined (_DEBUG) */ { int nCode; TCHAR * pch; TCHAR assertbuf[ASSERTBUFSZ]; TCHAR progname[MAX_PATH + 1]; HMODULE hModule = NULL; /* * Line 1: box intro line */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscpy_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, BOXINTRO )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, dblnewline )); /* * Line 2: program line */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, PROGINTRO )); #if !defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_CRT_APP) _ERRCHECK(_tcscpy_s( progname, MAX_PATH + 1, _T("Application"))); #else /* !defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_CRT_APP) */ if (!GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS, (LPCWSTR) _ReturnAddress(), &hModule)) { hModule = NULL; } #ifdef CRTDLL else if (hModule == (HMODULE)&__ImageBase) { // This is CRT DLL. Use the EXE instead hModule = NULL; } #endif /* CRTDLL */ #endif /* !defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRT_APP) */ #if !defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_CRT_APP) _ERRCHECK(_tcscpy_s( progname, MAX_PATH + 1, _T("Application"))); #else progname[MAX_PATH] = _T('\0'); if ( !GetModuleFileName(hModule, progname, MAX_PATH)) _ERRCHECK(_tcscpy_s( progname, MAX_PATH + 1, _T(""))); #endif /* !defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_CRT_APP) */ pch = (TCHAR *)progname; /* sizeof(PROGINTRO) includes the NULL terminator */ if ( (sizeof(PROGINTRO)/sizeof(TCHAR)) + _tcslen(progname) + NEWLINESZ > MAXLINELEN ) { pch += ((sizeof(PROGINTRO)/sizeof(TCHAR)) + _tcslen(progname) + NEWLINESZ) - MAXLINELEN; /* Only replace first (sizeof(TCHAR) * DOTDOTDOTSZ) bytes to ellipsis */ _ERRCHECK(memcpy_s(pch, sizeof(TCHAR) * ((MAX_PATH + 1) - (pch - progname)), dotdotdot, sizeof(TCHAR) * DOTDOTDOTSZ )); } _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, pch )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, newline )); /* * Line 3: file line */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, FILEINTRO )); /* sizeof(FILEINTRO) includes the NULL terminator */ if ( (sizeof(FILEINTRO)/sizeof(TCHAR)) + _tcslen(filename) + NEWLINESZ > MAXLINELEN ) { size_t p, len, ffn; pch = (TCHAR *) filename; ffn = MAXLINELEN - (sizeof(FILEINTRO)/sizeof(TCHAR)) - NEWLINESZ; for ( len = _tcslen(filename), p = 1; pch[len - p] != _T('\\') && pch[len - p] != _T('/') && p < len; p++ ); /* keeping pathname almost 2/3rd of full filename and rest * is filename */ if ( (ffn - ffn/3) < (len - p) && ffn/3 > p ) { /* too long. using first part of path and the filename string */ _ERRCHECK(_tcsncat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, pch, ffn - DOTDOTDOTSZ - p )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, dotdotdot )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, pch + len - p )); } else if ( ffn - ffn/3 > len - p ) { /* pathname is smaller. keeping full pathname and putting * dotdotdot in the middle of filename */ p = p/2; _ERRCHECK(_tcsncat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, pch, ffn - DOTDOTDOTSZ - p )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, dotdotdot )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, pch + len - p )); } else { /* both are long. using first part of path. using first and * last part of filename. */ _ERRCHECK(_tcsncat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, pch, ffn - ffn/3 - DOTDOTDOTSZ )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, dotdotdot )); _ERRCHECK(_tcsncat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, pch + len - p, ffn/6 - 1 )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, dotdotdot )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, pch + len - (ffn/3 - ffn/6 - 2) )); } } else /* plenty of room on the line, just append the filename */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, filename )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, newline )); /* * Line 4: line line */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, LINEINTRO )); _ERRCHECK(_itot_s( lineno, assertbuf + _tcslen(assertbuf), ASSERTBUFSZ - _tcslen(assertbuf), 10 )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, dblnewline )); /* * Line 5: message line */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, EXPRINTRO )); /* sizeof(HELPINTRO) includes the NULL terminator */ if ( _tcslen(assertbuf) + _tcslen(expr) + 2*DBLNEWLINESZ + (sizeof(INFOINTRO)/sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1 + (sizeof(HELPINTRO)/sizeof(TCHAR)) > ASSERTBUFSZ ) { _ERRCHECK(_tcsncat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, expr, ASSERTBUFSZ - (_tcslen(assertbuf) + DOTDOTDOTSZ + 2*DBLNEWLINESZ + (sizeof(INFOINTRO)/sizeof(TCHAR))-1 + (sizeof(HELPINTRO)/sizeof(TCHAR))))); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, dotdotdot )); } else _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, expr )); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s( assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, dblnewline )); /* * Line 6, 7: info line */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s(assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, INFOINTRO)); _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s(assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, dblnewline )); /* * Line 8: help line */ _ERRCHECK(_tcscat_s(assertbuf, ASSERTBUFSZ, HELPINTRO)); #if !defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_CRT_APP) /* * Break if debugger is attached only. */ if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { nCode = IDRETRY; #ifdef _UNICODE OutputDebugStringW(assertbuf); #endif /* _UNICODE */ } else { nCode = IDABORT; } #else /* !defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_CRT_APP) */ /* * Write out via MessageBox */ nCode = __crtMessageBox(assertbuf, _T("Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library"), MB_TASKMODAL|MB_ICONHAND|MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|MB_SETFOREGROUND); #endif /* !defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_CRT_APP) */ /* Abort: abort the program */ if (nCode == IDABORT) { /* raise abort signal */ raise(SIGABRT); /* We usually won't get here, but it's possible that SIGABRT was ignored. So exit the program anyway. */ _exit(3); } /* Retry: call the debugger */ if (nCode == IDRETRY) { __debugbreak(); /* return to user code */ return; } /* Ignore: continue execution */ if (nCode == IDIGNORE) return; } abort(); }