// Command Mapping // "" - Leave the bindings unaltered - use this when writing your own customization! // "choose" - Ask 4coder to choose based on platform. // "default" - Use the default keybindings 4coder has always had. // "mac-default" - Use keybindings similar to those found in other Mac applications. mapping = ""; // MODE // "4coder" - The default 4coder mode that has been around since the beginning of time (2015) // "notepad-like" - Single "thin" cursor and highlight ranges like in notepad, sublime, notepad++, etc mode = "4coder"; bind_by_physical_key = false; // UI use_scroll_bars = false; use_file_bars = true; use_error_highlight = true; use_jump_highlight = true; use_scope_highlight = true; use_paren_helper = true; use_comment_keywords = true; lister_whole_word_backspace_when_modified = false; show_line_number_margins = false; enable_output_wrapping = false; enable_undo_fade_out = false; // cursor_roundess is a value [0,50] setting the radius of // the cursor and mark's roundness as a percentage of their width // (At 50 the left and right corners will be so round they form a semi-circle, // hence 50 is the max) cursor_roundness = 10; // mark_thickness is a pixel count value setting the // thickness of the mark wire box in original mode mark_thickness = 2; // lister_roundess is a value [0,50] setting the radius of // the lister items' roundness as a percentage of their height lister_roundness = 20; // Code Wrapping treat_as_code = ".cpp.c.hpp.h.cc.cs.java.rs.glsl.m.mm.ds.md.4coder.jai.vert.frag"; enable_virtual_whitespace = true; virtual_whitespace_regular_indent = 1; enable_code_wrapping = true; // This only applies to code files in code-wrapping mode. // Plain text and code files without virtual-whitespace will not be effected. automatically_indent_text_on_save = true; // When set to true, all unsaved changes will be saved on a build. automatically_save_changes_on_build = true; // Load project on startup automatically_load_project = true; // Indentation indent_with_tabs = false; indent_width = 4; default_tab_width = 4; // Theme default_theme_name = "theme-fleury"; highlight_line_at_cursor = true; // Font default_font_name = "liberation-mono.ttf"; default_font_size = 14; default_font_hinting = true; // aa modes: // 8bit - mono-chrome 0-255 opacity channel per pixel // 1bit - mono-chrome 0/1 opacity channel per pixel default_font_aa_mode = "8bit"; // User user_name = "rjf"; // Keyboard AltGr setting lalt_lctrl_is_altgr = false; // Project setup configuration default_compiler_bat = "cl"; default_flags_bat = "-FC -GR- -EHa- -nologo -Zi"; default_compiler_sh = "g++"; default_flags_sh = "-g"; // NOTE(rjf): Fleury 4coder Disabling Options // f4_disable_brace_highlight = true; // f4_disable_close_brace_annotation = true; // f4_disable_brace_lines = true; // f4_disable_progress_bar = true; // f4_disable_divider_comments = true; // f4_disable_error_annotations = true; // f4_disable_calc_comments = true; // f4_poscontext_draw_at_bottom_of_buffer = true; // f4_disable_poscontext = true; // f4_disable_cursor_token_occurance = true;